December 2013

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The Top 5 Pink Tarha Experiences Of 2013

The year 2013 is coming to an end and here comes another dilemma: what to write for the all-important year-end entry? My brain is not properly functioning right now because of the booze and lechon (cholesterol mehhhn) I consumed during the holiday so I had to resort to Google for year-ender ideas. Of course there's always the new year resolutions but we Pink Tarhas are really not known for keeping up with ours so how can we advice you to do so? Then there's the best entries of the year but we've done that. Year-ender/opened messages? We've done that too! We even wrote individual entries. While we did that for the end of 2012 and the beginning of 2013, the messages are still applicable now so you may want to read them again here: Sampaguita Pride, Shoegarfreeruby, Eyecandy, and Sundrenched.

Anyway, I decided to pick the top 5 Pink Tarha experiences we've had for 2013. I was reading a magazine a while ago and I stumbled upon this phrase, "People who spend money on experience instead of new things are happier over all." I couldn't help but agree. The Pink Tarha ladies have a lot of experiences in 2013 that we will never exchange for any gadget or any amount of clothes and shoes (well, we might have to ask Shoegarfreeruby again about this, hehe). Here are the best of what we had in 2013: 

Hands down the best travel experience we've had this year is going to the Maldives. It's a dream travel come true. First, because it's the first time our group of friends went on a trip together all at the same time to the same place. Second, because it's Maldives!!! C'mon, if you have one country in your bucket list, it would have to be this paradise. There were countless friends who approached and asked us about our trip to Maldives and they can't help but be inspired to save up and go there too. The fact that the islands of Maldives is said to be sinking might also double your efforts to go… hurry! 

We miss you, Maldives!
Other must travel destinations: SRI LANKA and THAILAND 

When we staged the Pink Tarha Mornings in Jeddah, one thing became very apparent: Men Loves The Pink Tarha. Okay, let me explain that (for the fear of a tough conservative might be reading this and misinterpret it). Unlike the TPTM Riyadh, the one in Jeddah was co-ed because Jeddah is more relaxed on their gender mixing rules (we're not abusing it though) and most of our participants were men (thanks to the PEBA officers who have been supportive since the beginning) and we love how active and eager they were. It actually inspired me to write an entry on why men should read The Pink Tarha. Another experience we value during our Jeddah tour is the chance to go to the Tent City and meet wonderful people who, despite of their hard circumstances, were still hopeful. We feel grateful for the opportunity to reach out and help in our own little ways. 

A memorable Pink Tarha Morning!
Realization and Lesson: A City in Gridlock

When we started this blog, we hardly get invites from events. It wasn't only because the blog was just a newbie; it was because events are rare, almost non-existent. But 2013 saw the boom of these events in the city, be it in fashion, beauty, bazaars, newly-opened restaurants, and coffee mornings. And we love attending these events because we get to meet interesting people and get to know their products and services. In a way, we saw how the event landscape in Riyadh has opened up to more people and has changed throughout the months. In turn, these are shaping Riyadh to be a cosmopolitan city with its traditions and values intact. To be a part of this burgeoning trend is priceless. 

More Riyadh events please!

The restaurant scene in Riyadh leaves more to be desired. There are many world cuisines that are not yet represented but we're willing to wait. After all, some of the most interesting restaurants are already here; they're just waiting to be discovered. Take for example the hamburger that is being lined up for hours, the bubble tea that I drank day after day after day (it's already embarrassing), the most-talked about bread store, the restaurant that serves mostly chicken dishes, the Japanese restaurant that takes the cuisine up a notch, the steak house that renovated itself, the psychedelic Chinese restaurant that owns a building, etc etc! Readers often ask if we eat in these restos for free. Why, wouldn't it be AWESOME?! But no, we pay for our food just like you do most of the time and that's quite awesome too because we enjoy the food and the companionship of the friends we're with without thinking of the consequences. Of course, we do get invited by restaurants once in a blue moon and that's a pretty awesome blogger perk too. 

Yummy Riyadh!

The experience of meeting readers all over Riyadh is priceless! Sometimes, we don't even meet you personally. Most of you just comment and message and we're still very much grateful. Sometimes, friends of friends bring up The Pink Tarha in conversations and meet ups. It's funny and awesome how we're all connected in more ways than one. I remember when I got back from Maldives and it was the first time my brother saw me, his first words weren't "How was your Maldives trip?" His first question was "Can I have one of your Pink Tarha mugs?" I asked him why and he said that his friend's wife reads the blog and he plans on giving the mug as a birthday gift. Haha! Or how the doctor of Shoegarfreruby's aunt actually asked her, "Do you know The Pink Tarha? They're Filipinos and they blog." Or how we just recently received an appreciation email from a reader just before the new year ushers in! Here's an excerpt of her email to us:
Hi there girls! I just want to let you know that I am an avid reader of your blog. Since I first set foot on Saudi, I searched for an informative blog and found The Pink Tarha. I just want to commend everyone of you because you have helped a lot of people especially fellow Filipinos who are trying to adopt to the Saudi lifestyle. I first came across your blog in 2011 and have been following everything until now. I also recommend your blog to visitors and first-timers, and to almost everyone that I know of. I know how appreciation works a long way. And in this simple way, I hope I have extended it to all of you. Well, gusto ko lang malaman nyo na marami kayong natutulungan at napapasaya. Keep up the good work! God bless you all.  
Lovelots, Joyce Ann

Thank you, Joyce Ann! This is a nice gift for the new year. What a morale booster! What an inspiring message. :)

THANK YOU, THANK YOU DEAR READERS FOR EVERY THING! You don't know how much you make us go 'awwww' every time you send us your comments and feedback. We will continue writing to the best of our abilities. We will continue to help, guide, and inspire! YOU ARE ALL AWESOME!!! WE LOVE YOU!!! 

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Cheers to a more fabulous 2014, Riyadhizens!!! - Sundrenched

Monday, December 16, 2013

Burgers Are Fashionable Again

With over a hundred food and restaurant features we have in the blog since 2009, it's been getting harder and harder to write one. I think I have used up all the adjectives in my arsenal of words that are associated with food. You know how many times I've used the word "delicious" in The Pink Tarha? I don't but I know I've written it many times that if I ever read it again in this entry, I'm ready to pull my hair out. Oh, did I just type delicious earlier? Is that another delicious right there? Ugh.

Anyway, let's talk about Burger Boutique now (hoping I have another word for delicious somewhere). It's one of the restaurants in Riyadh I have always wanted to try because of the great reviews. But when I finally decided to try it with my friends, the restaurant closed for renovation. It was a long wait before they opened again last October. It's now in full swing and burger is fashionable once again!

We did not find Burger Boutique immediately because despite of the changes, the sign is still not that prominent. We were even stumped with the b+f? Shouldn't it be b+b or something? (Burgers + Fries ba ito?! :P) The restaurant only opens at 6:00PM. There was a line at the door already when we arrived 10 minutes before the prayer's end amping up our anticipation. If there's a line, the wait must be worth it. Good thing, there's a vacant table available for us and it's not the most surprising thing... there's a huge wooden ball inside the restaurant that separates the first (bachelor section) and second floor (family area). The sofa sets in the middle gets the vote for the best booths. And the spotlights in each table? Hello feeling celebrity! I love the interiors! The only caveat is I couldn't see my food clearly and the dimmed place was lulling me to sleep.

Unique interiors
The starters in Burger Boutique are trending. They're pretty popular with the Foursquare crowd (yes, The Pink Tarha is in Foursquare so please catch up!) We tried the Dynamite Fries, Maple Sticky Buffalo Wings, and Shrimp Inferno. Aren't their names scary? But seriously, they're the bomb!

One of the best special fries dishes in the city.
We emptied the plate in 5 minutes... or more. ;)
The Dynamite Fries (SR 35) came in a pristine white plate and doused with a unique sauce composed of chipotle ranch, house made chili, crumbled bacon, roasted onions, and jalapeños. The sauce was tangy, the fries were soggy, the taste was addicting. We finished off the fries in record-breaking time. (I mean considering we eat slowly because we talk a lot.) 

Zoomed in; they're tiny in real life
These wings are sensational!
The Maple Sticky Buffalo Wings (SR 45) is a sight to behold. It was glistening in its red, fiery glory. However, the chicken wings were a bit too tiny. We know for a fact that Saudi Arabia's chickens aren't that skinny so we wondered where these teeny ones came from. Haha! This became my favorite though. I am a stickler for the sweet, savory, and spicy. Best eaten using your hands. 

A mountain of hay and sauce
We wish you were crunchier.
We gawked at the Shrimp Inferno (SR 55) when it arrived in our table. We didn't want to ruin this masterpiece. There was a mountain of uh... root vegetable hay (according to the menu). We couldn't find the shrimps at first but we figured out they're inside that beehive of stringy, colorful veggies. It was just okay; not worth its price. 

And then came the burgers...

What beautiful burgers!
Burger Boutique has the most expensive burgers I've tried in Riyadh. I got the Bacon Swiss at SR 40 and my friend went for the Dynamite Double Monster (aka DDM) because she likes everything hot and spicy. It's the most expensive in the Signature Burgers menu at SR 60. Their Wood Fire Burgers go over SR 100. There's the B+F Signature with a grass-fed ribeye patty at SR 110 and Wagyu Burger at SR 120. Whoah!

DDM + Bacon Swiss
What I love about these burgers are their buns. They're pillowy soft and buttery and they complement the beefy patties well. Their burger patties are made from prime natural black angus beef, freshly ground daily. It's also said to be organic, healthy, and environment-friendly (also known as the reasons why the burger is expensive). While the burgers are appetizing, they're a bit expensive for their size. You can further customize your burgers (aka zap it!) by choosing low-fat and fat-free ingredients/toppings.

One of the complaints we all had was that their claim of "spicy" is not spicy at all. Even their Firehouse Sauce is not spicy. Even the jalapenos in our burgers. Have you tried it? What do you think? Are our tongues too used to spiciness already that we couldn't taste it? Also, what's with the flat utensils? It's difficult to eat using them, especially the fork.

You're late but you're fine.
We also tried their Porcini and Roasted Chicken Ravioli (SR 60), part of their entrees. Our waiter warned us at first that we might not like it since the herb taste is overwhelming; we ordered it anyway. And waited, waited some more, waited again... we nearly canceled the pasta because it seemed like they've forgotten about it. It came after we threaten to walk out... nah kidding. It came after we bugged the waiter and he apologized for it. 

It has a light sauce but a rich-tasting ravioli. It was delectable. And the herb taste? There was little hint of it so it's a good thing to be a rebel sometimes. Don't listen to your waiters and go for the food you want!

Of course, a meal is not complete without the dessert. We tried the Chocolate Brownie Pudding (SR 50) with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. I liked the way they presented it better than its taste.

Gooey chocolatey!
And now, for the highlight of our night in Burger Boutique... the Apple Pie (SR 40). It was, honestly, the best apple pie I have tried in Riyadh. I know I haven't tried a lot of apple pies but seriously, this is delicious ooops exquisite. I couldn't even describe it without salivating over its memory. You have to try a slice! 

Despite the burger in its name, it's not the only food Burger Boutique offers. They have sandwiches, salads, Southern Fried Chicken, and Fillet Mignon. They also have Sliders (mini burgers). Overall, we enjoyed our time in Burger Boutique and if someone would treat us, we'll go back. For now, we leave it for you to visit. We need to refill our wallets first. ;) ~ Sundrenched

Burger Boutique
Mousa Bin Nusair Street,
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
T: +966-11-2161216
Instagram: @BurgerBoutique


In the heart of the city!
1. Take King Fahd Road. Go straight until you reach Musa Bin Nusair Street (before you reach Habib). Turn right and make a U-turn on the traffic light. Burger Boutique is in the third building (from Al Nemer) to your right. It's the building with black glass walls.
2. Take Olaya Road (towards Kingdom Center.) When you reach the traffic light near New Look, Splash, Koton, turn left. Burger Boutique is in the third building (from Al Nemer) to your right. 

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Online Gift Guide 2013 (Lazada Philippines)

It's gift-giving season again. For us Filipinos, we love giving gifts to our families and friends. But it's quite hard to send them anything when we're abroad and they're in the homeland. Especially when we're running out of time. Uhmn did you say it's just a few days before Christmas?! OMG really?! What date is it now?!? Haha! Enter online shopping sites like 

Lazada Philippines is the fastest growing online shopping site in the country. It offers a wide array of products and provides a convenient, worry-free online shopping experience with free delivery available, 14-days returns policy, and cash on delivery. We can shop anytime, anywhere! What a solution to holiday gift-giving from a thousand miles away right?! It has almost every thing we can think of giving like books, electronics, phones, gadgets, appliances, toys, jewelries, etc. Can I say local Amazon?!  

It can be very difficult to choose what gifts we can give our loved ones so I gathered some ideas for you which I saw in Of course, I considered budget so I chose items that cost less than P5,000 (approx. less than SR 500)...

Raise your had if you're always stumped on what to give the men of your lives! I always have a hard time thinking and buying for my father, brothers, and uncles (of course they'll say I don't give them any thing anyways, haha!). For my guy friends too! You know how guys are… they like expensive techie stuff. Heheh.


  • Samsung Pocket Galaxy Neo Duos (P4,090.00) Yes, an extra phone for roaming is a must! This one is dual sim and touchscreen with 2.0MP camera and 4GB storage. Your husband will like this, especially if he's also bound for abroad.
  • 10-in-1 Octopus USB Connector (P299.00) It's compatible with most gadgets and devices. Need I say more? Your gadget freak son will be needing this for all the gadgets you gave him.
  • Sony Smartwatch Gen 2 (P4,813.00) Gadgets are not enough. This scratch and splash-proof multitouch display watch is both fashionable and techie. Your techie father will probably be bewildered why he received something as complicated as this but you know how our dads are... they refuse to admit it but they also want to be cool and updated once in a while. :P
  • Yoobao Magic Wand Powerbank (P1,395.00) Who doesn't want extra power for our gadgets? It's one of the first things I bought when I landed in the Philippines. Perfect for your gadget freak brother.
  • Pacsafe Venturesafe Anti-Theft Shoulder Bag (P3,990.00) We're not blind and deaf to the crimes in the Philippines so you might want to give your man this slash proof bag with eXomesh splashguard and smart zipper security buckle to prevent theft. 
  • Co:Caine Sound Clash Noise Isolation Headphones (P1,999.00) It's once to have a very fashionable headphones. Nephews will love the doodles in this one. 
We women are usually the easiest to give gifts to. We appreciate a good bargain as well as a luxury product. And our likes span a lot of categories so this list? I chose the stuff in the website and wrote about them in 10 minutes!


  • CLN Katrina Handbag (P1,999.00) A lady can never have too many bags. Your wife will be impressed with this gift because it's not only elegant, it also shows how fashionable your choices are. :P
  • Uplift Sonic Skin Cleansing System (P2,950.00) Your daughter is growing up fast! She's no longer a baby. The lady now needs a sonic skin cleanser that deep cleanses her face keeping pimples and skin problems at bay.
  • Euroo Foot Massager (P4,390.00) Your mothers are not getting younger (aren't we all?) so this foot massager will ease their pains and aches. Perfect to wind down a busy day at the market or the kitchen. 
  • Samsung Pen Type Bluetooth Headset HM500 (P2,209.00) You want to talk non-stop with your girlfriend left in the Philippines? Then give her a bluetooth headset  that will help her chat with you and do other important tasks too. A girl can certainly multi-task! :P
  • Jack La Lanne's Power Juicer (P2,879.00) It's the new healthy fad. Your sister, who's into making herself sexy healthy, will appreciate this juicer with a special patented juice extraction technology. 
  • White Allure Pure Moroccan Argan Oil (P1,200.00)  For your favorite tita, this 100% pure argan oil is anti-ageing and anti-inflammatory. She'll thank you for this certified organic youth serum. :P 
  • Dork Diaries Box Set (P1,063.00)  Your tween niece needs some help she can get in growing our of her awkward years. This series made me laugh when I read it (and I was already 28 when I did). It's a good book companion for her. 

The key to giving gift is knowing the person you're giving the gift to really well. If you know his/her personality and hobby, then you'll have an easy time finding a gift. Visit for more choices! You can pay with credit card (Visa/Mastercard) or Paypal. For orders within Metro Manila, Lazada delivers within 1-5 business days upon payment. For orders outside Metro Manila, delivery takes 5-10 business days. They offer free shipping for orders above P1,000. Shipping fees are reasonable if your orders do not go beyond P1,000. They ship via LBC and 2Go.

For no-hassle sending gifts to our families and friends in the Philippines, give a try! All you have to do is whip out that credit card! Haha! ~ Sundrenched

Lazada Philippines
T: +63-2-795-8900
Mon-Fri: 8am-9pm (Philippine time)
Sat-Sun/Holidays 9am-6pm
Twitter: @LazadaPH

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Let's 'Kampai' To That!

“Kampai” is the Japanese term for “Cheers!” used when social drinking. The Japs love their sake (rice wine). But making it the name of a restaurant in Riyadh is very ironic because alcoholic beverages are prohibited in Saudi Arabia. But we have no objections. It's apt. I guess we can still say “Kampai!” with our Saudi champagnes juices! 

Kampai is the newest Japanese restaurant in Riyadh, located in Tahlia Street among the clusters of restos serving international cuisines. My friends and I are huge fans of Japanese cuisine and while we’re happy with the Japanese restos we already have here in Riyadh, one more couldn’t possibly hurt right? 

The restaurant is currently by reservation only because a lot of people are already trying it. They’re always full. We went before the maghreb prayer and found our table waiting for us. The interiors inside are calming, mainly because of the soft green color of the bamboo designs in the wall and also refreshing with the warm lights and abstract images hung on the wall. The restaurant is simple in terms of tables and chairs; even their sushi and beverage areas. As expected in Japanese restaurants, wood is widely used in their aesthetics. 

Simple interiors
Since they just opened, we understand the few shortcomings: they served our dishes in an unorganized manner and they were still preparing the utensils when we got to our table. Anyway, we were mainly here for the food, which a lot of Foursquare users have been raving about. Our array of orders: 

All salmon!
This is our favorite salad in one of the more popular Japanese restaurants in the city (for sure you know what it is) so it is just fitting to compare Kampai’s version with our tried and tested favorite. We were not surprised that Kampai’s spicy salmon salad falls short of our expectations. It was bland and the serving was a bit too small for its price (this will be a recurring theme in their dishes so don’t act surprised when you see them served before you). We love how they’re generous with the fresh salmon though and I love how crunchy the sprinkled breading is. There was little cabbage though. All in all, it just didn’t create any impact. 

Miso soup
My friend enjoyed this miso soup. It was hot and tasty. The soup and its simple ingredients swirl and blend wonderfully. 

Hot and sour tom yum
Our waiter suggested this. I’m a fan of tom yum so I was looking forward to it but since this is a Thai food in a Japanese restaurant menu, I’m not really expecting much from it. And true to my lackluster expectation, it didn’t wow me. Even if it was filled with seafood, the soup was sour and tart with a slightly bitter aftertaste. 

So beautifully prepared
Different fillings and toppings
Their maki, four pieces each per order, are a bit expensive at SR30- SR50 each. These are our favorites though because they have a lot of varieties and their execution and plating are creative. My favorite in this bunch (my friends and I are maki lovers have I told you that?) is the rainbow maki. I love the slivers of mango in it. The one topped with crab sticks is also delicious. Sorry I couldn't remember the names of all our maki orders! Haha! They came in a flat rock-like tray.

Crunchy shrimp tempura... can you see the shrimp?! 
This is probably the most disappointing order we got. The shrimps were sad-looking but I have to hand it to their breading, which was crunchy and spread like a coral reef. I say you forego this and try the hot dishes instead.

I wanna show my love to this siomai. Hehe.
This is one of the superb dishes they have. The siomai is meaty and juicy at the same time. The wrapper is thin but enough to hold the meat and little soup inside. Dipping it in the sauce and chili it came with adds depth in the flavors. Yummy! Three pieces are not enough!

The plating is superb!
The main viand
Teriyaki is a bestseller in Japanese cuisine. It’s no wonder, especially for Asians because we like our food sweet and savory. Kampai’s chicken teriyaki is good. The sauce is a bit thick: salty, and sweet at the same time. The chicken is juicy and tender. But what’s with the puny serving? Hehe. 

Kampai’s menu is extensive and the place is almost high-end. They have a series of cold dishes (salad, appetizers, sushi, maki, etc.) and hot dishes (katsu, teriyaki, etc.) but compared to other Japanese restaurants in Riyadh, the prices are expensive. While we enjoyed our food, it will take a few months before we go back again, especially when we can get more affordable Japanese food elsewhere. It is worth trying though so go and see/taste it for yourself! Arigato gozaimaz! ~ Sundrenched 

Tahlia Street (after Chili’s) 
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia 
T: +966-11-461-7581 

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Top 5 Filipino Food You Can Find In Riyadh

And finally, we write about the restaurants serving Filipino food. You might be wondering why it took us so long to do so. We are proud to be Filipinos. You know that right? We practically announce it every time! (If this shirt doesn't even do it, we don't know what will!) But it's quite hard to feature Filipino food when we are Filipinos! Why? Because we're so used to the home cooking of our parents, grandparents, and other relatives that we tend to compare them to what we eat in Filipino restaurants. A lot of disagreements, opinions, and comments would ensue that might cast doubt to our feature. One of the most commented photo that I uploaded in our Facebook page was a bowl of kare-kare* (beef in peanut stew). A lot of readers replied with suggestions on where to get the best kare-kare in Riyadh. 

Anyway, months ago, we received a question from one of our readers, Arafat Khondokhar (hello! :), asking us where to go so he can try Filipino food. A dozen of Filipino restaurants came into my mind. They jumbled in my brain for quite some time because I couldn't decide where to send him first. There are only two places where Filipino restaurants are clustered --- in Batha and in Suleimania near the Military Hospital (RKH). 

Below are my suggestions. And also a primer to the best kinds of Filipino dishes we have to offer. You can bombard our comments section with your own recommendations but let's try to keep it gentle. Let's not overdose other nationalities with information on Filipino food. Haha! Keep the excitement to a minimum.

1. Kare-Kare (Oxtail in Peanut Stew) - Pinoy Restaurant in Batha

Yummy kare-kare!
One of my favorite Filipino dishes! Kare-kare is a combination of stewed oxtail and vegetables in a stew flavored with ground roasted peanuts or peanut butter. Sometimes, they also put beef meat, offal or tripe. The veggies include eggplant, cabbage, and green beans. I personally like my the peanut gravy thick and a bit coarse. I also like the bagoong alamang (shrimp paste) that goes with it sweet and spicy. You can find the better kare-kare in Pinoy Restaurant in Batha, just across the Military Hospital (RKH). The consistency is just right and the stew is yummy. A runner-up for me would be the kare-kare in Dampa Restaurant and Peak Restaurant in Suleimania near French Corner (cheap too!).

*When I posted the kare-kare picture in our Facebook page, most commenters said the best can be found in D' Potters Haus Restaurant. I agree. However, I was recently informed that the restaurant is already closed.

2. Sisig - Blue Ribbon Restaurant in Suleimania

Spicy sisig!

Another favorite Filipino dish is sizzling sisig, a dish made from parts of pig's head and liver seasoned with calamansi and chili peppers. It's best paired with a beer. Of course, since pork is not allowed here in Saudi Arabia, sisig comes in either chicken or beef. And beer is also non-existent here, so settle for a regular ice cold Coke. There was a time when we were obsessed with the chicken sisig of Blue Ribbon, again located across the Military Hospital (RKH) in Suleimania. We order it every time we have food delivered from Blue Ribbon. I recently found out that the beef version is tastier. A runner up would be La Paz Batchoy's sizzling beef sisig with egg. It's oily, fatty, and hot --- or what a sisig should be. It's just a stone's throw away from Blue Ribbon Restaurant.

3. Pancit - Pinoy Restaurant in Batha

Pancit Bihon. Photo from MyPinoyRecipes

In Filipino cuisine, pancit is the general term for noodles. We Filipinos (and the Chinese who gave this "convenient food" to us) mean business when it comes to pancit. We have a lot of varieties; it's as if each province has their own take on this beloved dish. That doesn't count the version we cook at home that's why finding the best pancit some where else is tricky. The mixed pancit of Pinoy Restaurant in Batha is a family favorite. It's a mix of canton (flour sticks) and bihon (rice vermicelli). A runner-up would be the pancit of Blue Ribbon Restaurant; chock full of ingredients and flavorful. Perfectly paired with their pan de sal (salt bread).

4. Sinigang - Goodah Soos Restaurant in Suleimania

Healthy, sour sinigang. Photo from Live Less Ordinary.
 Sinigang, a popular Filipino viand, is a soup consisting of meat and vegetables in a clear, sour, savory broth. It's quite good for this weather! And just about any other day. I'm not much a fan of soupy viands so I had to ask someone else for an opinion in this matter. My sinigang connoisseur (lol) picked the sinigang na tanigue (mackerel fish) of Goodah Soos Restaurant in Suleimania because of its balanced flavor. Not too sour. Runner up would be La Paz Batchoy's.

5. Chicken Barbecue - Pasalubong Restaurant in Batha

Grilled marinated chicken. Photo from Laurindaw
This is not exactly a Filipino original. Not even sure if it's considered a viand since it's practically just chicken parts that are marinated and grilled. The Asian kind of barbecue is the one you find skewered and grilled but there's also the variant you'll see widely in Riyadh: the chicken pieces rubbed with spices and left in a mix of liquid condiments and grilled. Since I always look for the sweet and spicy kick in all things I eat, I recommend the Chicken Barbecue of Pasalubong Restaurant. There was a time that it's the only pasalubong (treat given when you come from another place) I want from Batha. Try the chicken barbecue in stick of La Paz Batchoy in Suleimania too.

So there you go. Maybe you'll agree with me, maybe you won't. If it's the latter, kindly suggest more Filipino dishes other expats can try and where they can avail of them. It's a good way to introduce the Filipino cuisine to other Riyadhizens. Yallah, ro! ;) ~ Sundrenched

Mentioned restaurants:

I like to call this place "Little Batha" because most of the establishments important to expats (particularly for Filipinos) can be found here, just like in Batha. There's Enjaz, Telemoney, Alrajhi Bank and Alrajhi Supermarkets. Most of the Filipino and Thai restaurants are also concentrated in this area.

Please disregard my lack of chronological placement of letters on the photo above, haha!
A. Blue Ribbon Restaurant - +966-50-665-7160
Other good dishes you can order are Spicy Chicken Wings and Sizzling Bangus.

B. D' Potter's Haus Restaurant (CLOSED)

C. La Paz Batchoy Restaurant - +966-11-477-9647
You can order online via

D. Peak Restaurant
They don't deliver but they have the most affordable Filipino meals.

E. Goodah Soos Restaurant - +966-11-477-5995
They have lechon kawali but it's beef (seryoso, umasa ka na pork yan?! Hehe!). 

If you're looking for a smorgasboard of Filipino dishes, then try the affordable buffets in Kamayan and Dampa which are located a mere meters away from the famous Filipino fast food restaurant Jollibee, which you can also visit for Chicken Joy and Yum Burger.

The famous Batha... the place where Filipino, Indian, and Pakistani expats converge. You'll find a lot of Filipino/Thai/Chinese restaurants in this area too. Apart from the mentioned ones, you will find Quiapo, Cabalen, and Al Bahar restaurants here. Kruathai both in Suleimania and Batha, which is more of a Thai restaurant, also offers Filipino dishes.

A. Pinoy Restaurant 
Try their sisig, lumpiang shanghai, and kare-kare too.

B. Pasalubong Restaurant

There are so many Filipino restaurants in Riyadh already! Wow! I think this entry deserves a part 2 noh?

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Livin' La Vida Lanka: Dambulla 1/3

If the Philippines is known as the Pearl of the Orient Seas, our next travel feature is about a country known as the Pearl of the Indian Ocean. Let's do this... *music please* upside inside out... livin la vida lanka! (When did I ever become this corny? Haha!)

Having just traveled last August during the Eid vacation to the very beautiful Maldives, I didn't think this trip to its neighboring country will push through. What can ever top Maldives this year?! I was still short on travel money and the airfare was getting more expensive as our target travel dates were looming near. As usual, I was also having problems in getting an exit/re-entry visa (when did pre-traveling from KSA ever become smooth for me?!). But as fate would have it, Sri Lanka happened. 

From Saudi Arabia to Sri Lanka

Oh my Sri Lanka!
The Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, formerly known as Ceylon (why did they have to make names so complicated and long?), is an island country in the Indian Ocean. It is one of the most diverse countries: home to many religions, ethnicities, and languages. However, most of the Sri Lankans are Buddhists and most of their heritage sites are shrines to Buddha. Sri Lanka has recently opened to major changes and modernity after a 30-year civil war that just ended in a military victory in 2009. This is the perfect time to visit Sri Lanka!

Who wouldn't be enticed to go to Sri Lanka?
And see these presentations of unique culture and tradition?
And try cuisines and spices different from our own?
Photos above are from HERE.
Sri Lanka, known for its natural beauty (thus the pearl nickname), is one of the 25 biodiversity hotspots in the world. The teardrop-shaped island country has unbelievably many flora and fauna species considering its size. Apart from having tropical forests and national parks, the island country has eight UNSECO World Heritage Sites. And it's also known for its beaches. Because of this, a 5-day trip to Sri Lanka is not enough to cover every thing.

So how did we pick which to visit? We considered our interests and they became our priority. My friend for this trip and I are culture vultures so definitely, the heritage sites are a must visit. We cannot go to all though so we picked two which are near each other. Then we also wanted to visit the famed tea plantations so that's definitely in. And then the beach. At first, it was an impossible itinerary but, we made a way.

Our itinerary. We only covered a tiny part of the country. All land travel.
As Filipinos, we need a tourist visa to go to Sri Lanka but this is easy to get from the Sri Lankan Immigration website for $30. If you wish to get a visa-on-arrival, you can also do so at the airport before you go through immigration. The visa will cost $35. We got ours online to avoid the hassle and had it printed.

My friend J and I flew via Srilankan Airways and landed at the Bandaranaike International Airport outside Colombo, the first capital of Sri Lanka up to the recent times, at midnight. If you remember, I've flown Srilankan when I went to Thailand earlier this year. We have arranged all our itinerary, driver, and hotels online. As usual, I DIYed every thing. Our driver for this trip is Anton from Srilankan Tours and he was patiently waiting at the airport arrival hall. Our first mission was to get a Srilankan sim card so we can still communicate with out families and friends (in my case, also The Pink Tarha Facebook page). We bought sim cards from Dialog, just in case you're wondering what's the network we got. We admit, we can no longer go offline for days. #internetslaves

Our first destination is not Colombo. Anton drove us to the Dambulla, a site 3-4 hours away from the airport. Truth be told, I am a worry wart when it comes to land travel. I don't like sleeping on the car while we're traveling so I had my eyes open the whole time. Because it's still dark, Anton kept his speed at a minimum, especially on the roads flanked by forests. He said an elephant might suddenly cross the road! Whoah! Thankfully, we reached our resort hotel without encountering a wild elephant, or other animals, on the road.

The Thilanka Resort and Spa is a very ideal place to relax and rest in Dambulla. It's indeed the perfect holiday resort and spiritual retreat. If I somehow forgot that I am in Sri Lanka, I would assume I am in the Philippines when I saw Thilanka in the morning. Lush hilltops in the distance, mango orchard right outside the window, rice and corn fields beside the swimming pool. What a tropical getaway! The accommodation in Thilanka is divided into several buildings but the highlight is the clubhouse where they serve the best grilled pork ever!

Mango orchard... Philippines much?!

The blues and greens you can't find in the desert.

Our room is in the second floor.

The staff and manager of Thilanka were also very accommodating. We arrived around 5 in the morning and the resort was quiet. We had to wake up the receptionist who must have forgotten that I noted in my booking that we were arriving at the odd hours of the morning. He was very warm and friendly though. (Sri Lankans are known for their warmth and hospitality, like us Filipinos! Yey!)

An inviting escape from the urban world.
I can chill in this place all day!

On our first morning, we roamed around the 25-acre property and also got ourselves an ayurvedic foot massage. Ahhh bliss! That was some massage! Sri Lanka is known for their ayurveda, an old system of traditional medicine and practice. You should not leave Sri Lanka without getting an ayurvedic massage!

I automatically think of a spa when I see this ensemble.
And then it was time to head off to one of Sri Lanka's UNESCO World Heritage site... the Golden Temple of Dambulla.

Statues of monks welcome you to the temple complex.
The Golden Temple of Dambulla
The Dambulla temple complex is a vast isolated rock mass where King Valagam Bahu took refuge in the first century BC. He turned the caves into rock temples in honor of Buddha. A friend warned me that going up the Dambulla Cave is not an easy peat and indeed, it wasn't. Yes, you might say it was just a series of stairs but for someone like me who hasn't exercised like ever, it was a series of torture. Haha!

Stairs? Pffft! I can do this!
Overlooking the flatlands
I was heaving and puffing like crazy much to the chagrin of our driver/tourist guide. I needed to stop once in a while in the pretense of taking photos. Hahaha! However, looking at the colossal figure of Buddha carved out of a living rock and painted with gold has kept me busy during the climb. That was huuuuuge!

Stairs again?!? Insert series of cursing here. Joke!

Upon reaching the top few many minutes after, I already wanted to sing Miley Cyrus' The Climb. I thought my lungs and legs would give up halfway. Haha! But I was too embarrassed not to continue with the climb because little kids and students were running up to reach the summit. Quitting would have made me look like a total wuss.

Hey kids, how'd you do it that easily?!?!

We had to leave our shoes before going in the complex.  From the courtyard, we have a nice panoramic view of the flatlands surrounding Dambulla.

A captivating view! Hello, Sri Lanka!!!
Can you see the monkeys on those branches?
There are more Sri Lankans than foreigner tourists. :)
Finally, we reached you.
Each small cave is a shrine of Buddha.
The temple complex have five caves and I'm not exactly sure which is which already. I did enjoy my time looking at the statues and frescoes inside. Some of them were more than 2,000 years old!

A jar that never fills up.
There's an interesting jar sealed inside a wall of mesh wire in the middle of one of the caves. Our guide said that water is dropping from the ceiling in constant intervals but the jar never overflows. It's just full but the water remains at the same exact volume even if there was no way the water inside it decreased. Amazing indeed!

Me in my mandatory photo at the entrance to the largest cave.
Bodhi, Buddha's tree.
It was starting to rain when we went down and the sun has already set but we were meeting Sri Lankans who were still on their way up.

Looking back at the Golden Temple, the view was breathtaking:

Goodbye for now, Dambulla!

Along the way to our resort, we saw a few fruit stands and we got curious on the red bananas and orange coconuts. Yes. Apparently, these fruits have different colors in Sri Lanka.

I went bananas over these colored fruits.

The King Coconut (aka Thambili) is widely-cultivated in Sri Lanka. Like the usual coconut we have in the Philippines, it's known for its many uses. However, this orange coconut is said to be sweeter than the usual. Indeed! The juice which we drank straight from the coconut was sweet and refreshing! The red banana is also like the ordinary banana; it's just that the skin is red. It's also packed with lots of carotene and Vitamin C. Other interesting finds on a Sri Lankan fruit stand:

Cute mangoes!
Forest tamarind (yes, these are sampalok!!!)

When we reached our hotel that night, we were so tired we started doubting our ability to climb the next site in our itinerary. But you know what, Dambulla proved to be a very nice prelude for what's about to come the following day.

Home sweet home at Thilanka
Do you believe in the saying "life begins at the end of your comfort zone"? You should because I do and I'll tell you why on my next Sri Lanka entry. ~ Sundrenched

Most of the pictures on our Sri Lanka entries are from my travel buddy, Jou. You can find her work at or

Expenses so far:
Srilankan Airlines Roundtrip Airfare: SR 2,200
Insurance via World Nomads (optional): approx. SR 105 ($27) 
Car and driver for 5 days (includes gas, driver's accom, food, and tips) via Srilankan Tours: approx. SR 1,300 ($340)
3 days/2 nights stay in Thilanka Resort&Spa via (includes deluxe twin room and breakfast): SR 750

TIPS on DIY-ing your Trip:
- Book as early as possible. Apart from Srilankan, Fly Dubai also flies to Colombo at an affordable rate.
- Book your accommodations via because even if it needs a credit card to reserve the booking, most hotels don't require you to pay the fee immediately. You can pay at the hotel. This is a good option, just in case your plan gets derailed.
- Hire drivers and cars from reputable companies/websites. If your driver can't speak English, or if you have a hard time understanding him, ask for a replacement because he'll be with you every step of the way so it's a must that you understand each other.
- Listen to your driver's suggestions when it comes to scheduling and places to visit, esp. when you did not do your research.
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