The Pink Tarha Quiz

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The Pink Tarha Quiz

We haven't forgotten that we promised limited edition mugs in celebration of our fourth anniversary.  And because we're taking 'limited edition' literally, we can only give away 20 mugs to our readers. (Sorry about that because our funds are not exactly 'sky is the limit.' Hahaha!)

All we're asking is for you to answer this quiz bee and the first 20 persons who answer all 10 questions correctly will get the mug (one mug for each person only). Simple? YES! Hahah! The mugs, being limited edition, are not for sale. (Well, come to think of it, we haven't sold mugs like ever. :P)

This quiz bee is also like a 'walk down memory lane' for us. If you've been reading The Pink Tarha since our beginning then it's joining us in this trip. If you're new to our blog, then you're invited as well. Good luck and happy searching for answers! ;)

THANK YOU FOR ANSWERING! We super appreciate it!

*** Original no. 7 question is "What is the first and only restaurant that Shoegarfreeruby reviewed/wrote about?" You can answer the original question OR the question posted in the questionnaire now: "What is the name of Shoegarfreeruby's dog?" Answer to either of the two is accepted. :)

This 'contest' is open to all but if you're outside Riyadh, getting the mug is your responsibility. Hehe. Sorry!

Update: Winners are already contacted on how they can claim their prize. If you think you should own a Pink Tarha mug, email us at and tell us why and who knows? We might give you one! We're feeling pretty generous. ;)

2 had something to say:

Anonymous said...

so who are the mug winners?

The Pink Tarha said...

Winners are already emailed. Thank you for your inquiry. :)

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